Your Quiz Results:

Type 1 Procrastinator Personality.


Nicknamed Junkdrawer because the way you process is similar to stuffing clothes in a drawer.

It’s “organized” to you and that’s all that matters. So let’s just stuff reminders, tasks, hobbies, important deadlines and life into a invisible box... we’ll get to it when it’s when needed.

Well.. hopefully.



TYPE 1 *

Honestly, you’re pretty cool. Based on your quiz responses, you fit into an awesome group of people taking the world by storm. Now it’s time to learn more about this personality type.

Okay, so what in the world does this mean?

Description: Junk drawer because they stuff so many things in a drawer until it later drains them. Type 1’s care very deeply about people. Type 1’s are drawn to meaning, inspiration, goals and are fueled by getting things done. Type 1’s don’t figure things out by only thinking, type 1’s figure things out by doing.Type 1’s often say “Let’s try it and see if it works”.

Motivations: This type is motivated by feeling inspired. It’s like rocket fuel, like a surge of power that comes through that inspires us to start something new.

Not necessarily great planners but type 1’s are great at making things happen.

Planning Activities: This type of procrastinator can feel optimistic by the thought of what needs to be done, what needs to be planned, who needs to be where, what needs to be purchased. This type has planning and initiation skills, but struggles with longevity. They keep information on the calendars, phone notes, and random napkins.

Type 1 Draining Internal Frustration

How do I make progress when I’m not feeling it? Seems like my diet, sleep, coffee, and plans must be perfect just for me to be average. The tiniest thing can throw off all my momentum at literally any given time. [insert eye roll]

What do I do when the jolt of caffeine and the wave of energy wears off? When the combustion is there, focus is superior. And when it leaves, it can be incredibly difficult to do what's usually normal.




Type 1’s

The challenge is STICKING to something.

Type 2’s

The challenge is STARTING something.

Type 1’s create the best playlist ever

Whatever it takes to get the vibes and energy flowing, let’s do it! You probably have a workout playlist, commute to work playlist, go-to motivational content and saved inspirational Youtube videos ready at all times.

Type 1’s can have minimal context and figure things out as they go.

This is caught not taught: an incredible ability to work on projects bigger than their current qualifications. The challenge enables them to get out of the box and think differently.

An Instinct - While most others need more details, proven strategies and multiple meetings. Type 1’s have an ability to put things together quickly and make the necessary steps towards completion.

Type 1’s Bring Momentum - If you want speed, this is the type you want on your team.

Type 1’s are often purpose driven and want to make a difference.

Move the Mundane: These people get bored and drained by mundane, meaningless and aimless tasks.

Make it Matter - This type wants to know what they’re doing matters. Let them know why they matter to you.

Movement is Improvement - Type 1’s don’t always want the details, they just want to know it’s going somewhere.

If you love, lead or work with a Type 1 here’s some helpful insight.

Help them thrive by communicating clear expectations and boundaries.

Communicate with clarity - In other words, when you tell them exactly what you want, when you want it and why it’s important, they thrive and can easily develop a plan of action.

Giving boundaries creates freedom - This gives them the energy to run wild within the borders. And even if they go outside the boundaries, at least they can communicate “I went too far outside the boundary you’ve given me”.

Reward them with rest - Type 1’s are constantly juggling mental reminders, responsibilities, forgotten to-do’s and everyone else's problems. You have to send them on breaks. This removes the pressure to constantly “be on” and need to overcompensate for others needs.

Every Superhero needs encouragement - They need to know they don't have to be superheroes on duty 24/7. Give them a breathe of fresh air, with encouragement. Like today, do it now!

“It’s all about balance, bro. Don’t worry you’re not that weird, you’re totally fine. Honestly, weird people change the world anyways.”

- Type 1 at dinner with friends

Quick PracticalTips

Practical Tip #1

BIG MOMENTS NEED BIG ENERGY: Put the most important tasks at the most energetic time of day. Important needs your best focus. 🫡

Practical Tip #2

SHARE YOUR FEELINGS: Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable to those closest to you. Practice telling your friends how you really feel! 🫶

Practical Tip #3

DON’T START SOMETHING NEW QUICKLY: Learn the art of saying no, not right now. You don’t have to say yes to everything that sounds fun. 🤪

Here’s what’s so beautiful about you…

You are the best friend everyone wants. Your genuine care, concern and interactions are what people live for.

“The world wouldn’t be the same without Type 1’s. Your spontaneity, humor, focus, perspective and get it done attitude is the secret that makes things more productive.”

Robert, Founder of PREOCCUPIED

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